A photologue of the many Starbucks Cafes we visit around the world.

Archive for 03/01/2011

Leipzig City Centre

Date: December 19th, 2010

Drink: Venti Quad Vanilla Latte

Food: Chocolate Explosion Chocolate Chip Cookie and a Pumpkin Scone

OK, we had to survive without Starbucks for a day, but it didn’t bother us too much (sorry, Starbucks). Mainly because the hotel where we were staying had a buffet breakfast included with the night stay, and their buffet breakfast was frickin’ good! I mean, everything about Germany was awesome, and the food was orgasmic (sorry for the cliché). They also provided drip coffee for us all day long, and it was very good drip coffee, brewed just right so that everyone was happy with it. Dancers are coffee addicts. There are very few dancers who do not drink coffee. We work hard, but we do everything hard, and that included drinking coffee. We don’t like our coffee weak, and the Germans brewed it to just the right strength, so that for those who like it a little weaker just put in more milk. It was great.

But on Sunday, the day after the Showdance, we wanted to go into Leipzig city centre to experience the city. After all, we were sure we may not have another opportunity to go to Leipzig, so we wanted to take advantage of it. Besides which, I had it from good authority that there were two Starbucks in the city centre, which was a vast improvement from Sofia, Bulgaria, which only has one and it is a much bigger city. So we took the tram from Glass Hall, where the competition took place, and the tram took us straight into the city centre. I saw most of the people walking toward a dark looking street, so I figured that was where the city centre was. There were no signs, so it was a bit difficult to know for sure, but generally I just follow the masses and it seems to work. I was right. And about a block into the dark street, there she was, our Green Siren. We were starving, since we hadn’t eaten yet, so we ran inside the warm café and ordered our coffee and food.

Just outside Starbucks in Leipzig, Germany

It was so relaxing in this Starbucks. Obviously Leipzigers don’t think about going to Starbucks on a Sunday morning, because the café was relatively empty. We sat down in some big comfy chairs next to the window and watched the people walk by on the stone streets as we enjoyed our breakfast.

Chocolate Explosion Chocolate Chip Cookie for Breakfast!