A photologue of the many Starbucks Cafes we visit around the world.

Archive for 26/01/2011

Sutton High Street, Surrey, England

Date: January 21, 2011

Drink: Venti Quad Vanilla Latte

the cafe in Sutton we normally go to

I wrote earlier (back in December of 2010) about some of our regular Starbucks haunts in London, when I logged the Surbiton Starbucks in Kingston-upon-Thames. The Starbucks on Sutton High Street is yet another of our regular haunts. In actuality, there are two Starbucks cafes on the Sutton High Street, as well as a Café Nero just up the way. I think coffee is very much in demand in Sutton, which is fine by us. But the café we always visit while on the High Street is the bigger café, one that is a café in its own right, while the other location is more or less a little counter attached to a mall with some seating. They always both seem to be busy though, and so does Nero, so as I said, coffee is in demand in Sutton.

the smaller cafe we almost never frequent in Sutton

Our favorite café, however, is very centrally located, with a Boots and a Superdrug – both drugstores I go to often – only a short walk away. There is also an ASDA, the UK version of Walmart (it even has the Walmart smiley face, but it’s bright green instead of yellow), where we do all of our grocery shopping. Not to mention it’s comfortable, warm, the male barista we normally see is great and likes to chat about the differences between UK and USA cafes, and the internet is only mildly slow. If anyone gets an email from us while we’re in England, or chats with me on Facebook, or reads this post, chances are I’m either in this café in Sutton, or in Surbiton.