A photologue of the many Starbucks Cafes we visit around the world.

Date: 11-10-2011

Drink: Venti Green Tea

Food: White Chocolate and Raspberry Mini Cake

a sprightly Simeon!

So, on our way home from some lessons in Dulwich, we decided to drive into Croydon instead of all the way down to Sutton, especially since we are now staying in an area called Wallington, which is much closed to Croydon than to Sutton. Can I say? Bad mistake. I’ve heard people say Croydon is ridiculous, and we’ve driven into Croydon before to drop off friends at hotel, etc. But seriously, Croydon is ridiculous. We drove around in circles for hours with Sims yelling at me because I should supposedly be able to tell where I’m going since I had the map right in front of me (on the phone’s GPS). The only problem was, the phone doesn’t tell you which streets are one-way, and the directions were taking us the wrong way on streets and such. And the Starbucks cafe listing on the phone didn’t mention it was inside the mall!

Ok, this mall was seriously pathetic. We walked into what looked like the main entrance, which actually just happened to be the entrance to Debenham’s, and this store (Debenham’s) was three storeys high and had no exit to the mall proper! Well, it did, on the second storey. And of course, because there was actually no way feasible way to get into the mall, the main portion of the mall was empty. You could hear a pin drop. Of course, I’m comparing this mall to Bellevue Square, which is a pathetic comparison. We walked around the entire mall until we finally happened upon the Starbucks, which was tucked away in a tiny corner and pretty much had the entire mall’s concentration of people crowded into its cafe. Parking was expensive, and we really didn’t have time to enjoy our green tea. That said, Simeon does look rather happy, doesn’t he? Or maybe it’s just the hair.
By the way, I don’t think the Starbucks cafes in the States (at least not the ones we’ve been to) have the White Chocolate and Raspberry Mini Cake. Oh my God they are good! Very dangerous. But very yummy. I will be taking care to avoid those in the future, because it would be very easy to get addicted to those! YUMMM!!!!
ps, if the paragraphs don’t look the same, don’t ask me why. they’re actually exactly the same in the HTML, so yeah… wordpress kind of acts strangely sometimes…!!!

hidden away in the corner of the mall


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