A photologue of the many Starbucks Cafes we visit around the world.

Date: 30-10-11

Drink: Venti Vanilla Latte


Way back-dated, I haven’t done a Starbucks Project post in two full years, but recently a number of people have been visiting the blog and telling me how much they enjoy my posts, and how interesting it is to follow our travels around the world. Luckily, I’ve kept a lot of pictures of interesting Starbucks cafes, and even though I haven’t been posting, I’ve still been taking pictures. So, as I’m sitting here at my favorite Starbucks cafe in Kingston-Upon-Thames, London – back-dated post to come soon – I’ll get you updated on our Korean adventures. And, of course, this puts a 3rd continent on the map!

We went to Seoul in 2011 to represent Bulgaria at the World Standard Championships. Even though it was the end of October, the weather was still rather balmy and comfortable. Because we were in South Korea, we decided to spend a few extra days there to go exploring. We took a tour to go the DMZ, we wandered around downtown Seoul, in and out of their huge markets, the old ones and the new, and slipped in and out of back-alley Korean restaurants to eat some real, authentic Korean food. Simeon was not too happy.

You’ll notice that there is no food listed on any of these posts. Why?? Who would want to eat at Starbucks in the middle of Seoul?? Korean pastries are INCREDIBLE. I’m not joking. I am a Korean pastry fanatic for the rest of my life! We had Korean desserts, Korean Sweet Potato Lattes (not recommended), 7-Nut Lattes (also not recommended), Pumpkin Candy (HIGHLY recommended), fish fresh out of the fish tank, you name it! Korea is awesome for a foodie like me! But what would mornings be without my traditional Vanilla Latte? Terrible, I tell you!

Anyway, this particular Starbucks was two story, and we climbed the stairs and found a great seat next to the window to enjoy our pumpkin candies. It was a great introduction to South Korea.


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